
VascuTouch will effectively treat a variety of skin conditions:

  • Broken Capillaries: Broken capillaries are small facial veins commonly observed on the cheeks and around the nose.
  • Facial Spider Veins & Small Telangiectasia's: Blood spots (Cherry Angiomas) commonly found on the cheeks, nose, and chin. They are tiny red or purple "dots" and can be either flat or raised.
  • Cherry Angiomas: Cherry angiomas resemble red dots or large red moles. They are also known as blood blisters and are usually found on the torso.
  • Milia: Milia are a small, hard white bump that resembles a stubborn whitehead. Milia are usually located on the forehead.
  • Skin Tags and Flat Warts: Skin tags are hanging moles which are mostly around the neck area.
  • Sunspots: Sunspots are small brown spots caused by repeated exposure to UV rays.
  • Clogged Pores: Treating an "undergrounder" early will bring it to the surface quickly or will dissolve it in the skin so it never comes to the surface. This is effective for treating those hormonal blemishes that seem to come around each month. Usually the blemish does not return again after treatment.
  • Cystic Acne
  • Seborrheic Keratosis: elevated waxy looking spots.

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What Happens In a Consultation?

01. Get to know the Aesthetic Solutions team!

02. Help us understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

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